-1 smTruncErr/qErr the truncation indicator alone is wider than the specified width / not in queue -2 vTypErr the QType field of an entry in vertical retrace queue isn't vType -3 corErr a core routine number is out of range -4 unimpErr of an uniplimented core routine error -5 SlpTypeErr of an invalid queue element -17 controlErr this driver can't respond to this control call -18 statusErr this driver can't respond to this status call -19 readErr this driver can't respond to read calls -20 writeErr this driver can't respond to write calls -21 badUnitErr the driver reference number doesn't match any found in the unit table -22 unitEmptyErr the driver reference number specifies NIL handle in unit table -23 openErr the requested read/write permission doesn't match driver's open permission or an attempt to open RAM serial driver failed -24 closeErr permission to close .MPP driver was denied -25 dRemovErr an attempted was made to remove an open driver -26 dInstErr the driver could not be found in resource file -27 abortErr the I/O request was aborted by KillIO -28 notOpenErr the driver isn't open -33 dirFullErr the directory is full -34 dskFullErr the disk is full -35 nsvErr no such volume exists -36 ioErr an I/O error occurred -37 bdNamErr the specified filename was invalid -38 fnOpnErr the specified file could not be opened -39 eofErr the logical end-of-file was reached while reading -40 posErr an attempt was made to position before the start of the file -41 ulErr memory is full or file won't fit in memory -42 tmfoErr there are too many files open -43 fnfErr the specified file was not found -44 wPrErr of a hardware write protect -45 fLckdErr of a software file lock -46 vLckdErr of a software volume lock -47 fBsyErr the file is busy -48 dupFNErr a file with the specified name and version already exists -49 opWrErr a file (possibly the preference file) is already in use by another application -50 paramErr there was an error in the parameter list -51 rfNumErr the path reference number specifies a nonexistent access path -52 gfpErr there was an error during GetFPos -53 volOffLinErr the specified volume is not online -54 permErr an attempt was made to open locked file for writing -55 volOnLinErr the specified volume is already mounted -56 nsDrvErr the specified drive does not exist -57 noMacDskErr the disk in the drive is not a Macintosh disk -58 extFSErr there was an external file system error -59 fsRnErr there was a problem during rename -60 badMDBErr the master directory block is corrupted: must reinitialize volume -61 wrPermErr the read/write permission doesn't allow writing -64 noDriveErr the drive isn't connected -65 offLinErr there is no disk in the drive -66 noNybErr this disk is probably blank -67 noAdrMkErr an address mark could not be found -68 dataVerErr read-verify failed -69 badCksmErr a bad address mark was encountered -70 badBtSlpErr a bad address mark was encountered -71 noDtaMkErr a data mark could not be found -72 badDCksum a data mark was encountered on the disk -73 badDBtSlp a data mark was encountered on the disk -74 wrUnderrun a write underrun occurred -75 cantStepErr the drive can't step (Sounds bad) -76 tk0BadErr track zero could not be found on the disk (Sounds very bad) -77 initlWMErr the disk controller chip could not be initialized -78 twoSideErr someone tried to read side two of a disk in a single-sided drive -79 spdAdjErr the disk speed could not be adjusted correctly -80 seekErr Drive error -81 sectNFErr the sector could not be found -85 clkRdErr the clock could not be read -86 clkWrErr the time written to the clock chip did not verify -87 prWrErr parameter RAM written did not verify -88 printErr the validity status was not $A8 -91 ddpSktErr there was an error opening socket -91 eMultiErr an address was invalid or the table was full -92 eLenErr the packet is too large or the first entry of the write-data structure did not contain the full 14–byte header -93 noBridgeErr no router is available -94 LAPProtErr a protocol handler is already attached, a node's protocol table is full, no protocol is attached, or protocol handler pointer was not NIL -95 excessCollsns there was a hardware error -100 noScrapErr the desk scrap is not initialized -102 noTypeErr there is no data of the requested type -108 memFullErr there is insufficient memory left in the heap zone -109 nilHandleErr a master pointer was NIL -110 nilPtrErr a pointer was NIL (returned by FailNil) -111 memWZErr an attempt was made to operate on a free block -112 memPruErr an attempt was made to purge a locked block -117 memLockedErr the block is locked -120 dirNFErr the directory was not found -123 wrgVolTypeErr this volume is not an HFS volume -128 userCanceledErr the operation was aborted -147 regionTooBigError the region is too large or complex -148 pixmapTooDeepErr the pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel -149 mfStackErr there is insufficient stack space -150 cMatchErr Color2Index failed to find an index -151 cTempMemErr Quickdraw failed to allocated memory for temporary structures -152 cNoMemErr QuickDraw failed to allocate memory for structures -153 cRangeErr a range error occured on a colorTable request -154 cProtectErr a colorTable entry protection violation -155 cDevErr of an invalid type of graphics device -156 cResErr of an invalid resolution for MakeITable -157 cDepthErr the requested pixel depth is invalid -188 resourceInMemory the resource is already in memory -189 writingPastEnd the program tried to write past the end of the file -190 inputOutOfBounds the offset or count was out of bounds -192 resNotFound a resource was not found -193 resFNotFound the resource file was not found -194 addResFailed AddResource failed -196 rmvResFailed RmveResource failed -199 mapReadErr the map is inconsistent with operation -200 noHardwareErr the required hardware is not available -201 notEnoughHardwareErr insufficient hardware is available -203 queueFull there is no room in the queue -204 resProblem there was a problem loading a resource -205 badChannel the sound channel is corrupt or unusable -206 badFormat the resource is corrupt or unusable -207 notEnoughBufferSpace there is insufficient memory available -208 badFileFormat the file is corrupt or unusable, or not AIFF or AIFF–C -209 channelBusy the sound channel is busy -210 buffersTooSmall the buffer is too small -211 channelNotBusy the sound channel not currently used -212 noMoreRealTime there is not enough CPU time available to process the command in real time -213 badParam a parameter is incorrect -220 siNoSoundInHardware there is no sound input hardware available -221 siBadSoundInDevice the sound input device requested was invalid -222 siNoBufferSpecified no buffer was specified -223 siInvalidCompression the compression type is invalid -224 siHardDiskTooSlow the hard drive is too slow to record -225 siInvalidSampleRate the requested sample rate is invalid -226 siInvalidSampleSize the requested sample size is invalid -227 siDeviceBusyErr the sound input device is busy -228 siBadDeviceName the sound input device name was invalid -229 siBadRefNum the sound input device reference number was invalid -230 siInputDeviceErr a sound input device hardware error -231 siUnknownInfoType an unknown type of information was requested -232 siUnknownQuality an unknown recording quality was requested -240 noSynthFound no synthesizer for the selected voice was found -241 synthOpenFailed the selected voice synthesizer failed to open -242 synthNotReady the selected voice synthesizer is not ready -243 bufTooSmall the voice buffer is too small -244 voiceNotFound the selected voice synthesizer could not be found -245 incompatibleVoice the selected voice synthesizer is not compatible -246 badDictFormat of unknown reasons -247 badInputText the text to be spoken is invalid -299 nmTypErr qType was something other than nmType -308 smUnExBusErr of an unexpected bus error -330 smBadRefId the reference ID was not found in list -331 smBadsList the sResource structure was bad; ID1 < ID2 < ID3... -332 smReservedErr a reserved field not zero -338 smSelOOBErr the selector was out of bounds; function not implemented -344 smNoMoresResources the specified sResource data structure was not found -346 smBadsPtrErr an invalid pointer was passed to sCaldSPointer function -347 smByteLanesErr the ByteLanes field in card's format block was zero -450 editionMgrInitErr the Edition Manager is not initialized or could not be loaded -451 badSectionErr the section type was invalid -452 notRegisteredSectionErr this section is not registered -454 badSubPartErr the edition container spec or the edition container was invalid -460 multiplePublisherWrn another publisher is already registered to this edition -461 containerNotFoundWrn the alias was not resolved -463 notThePublisherWrn another publisher wrote this edition -500 rgnTooBigErr the bitmap would convert into a region larger than 64KB -600 procNotFound there is no eligible process with the specified process serial number -601 memFragErr there is not enough room to launch application with special requirements -602 appModeErr the memory mode is 32-bit, but the application being launched is not 32-bit clean -605 appMemFullErr the partition size specified in 'SIZE' resource is not big enough for launch -606 AppIsDaemon this application is background-only -607 bufferIsSmall the buffer is too small -608 noOutstandingHLE there is no outstanding high-level event -609 connectionInvalid the connection is invalid -610 noUserInteractionAllowed no session is established, and there was an attempt to PostHighLevelEvent from an application in the background -620 notEnoughMemoryErr there is insufficient physical memory -621 notHeldErr the specified memory range is not held -622 cannotMakeContiguousErr the specified memory range could not be made contiguous -623 notLockedErr the specified range of memory is not locked -624 interruptsMaskedErr a Virtual Memory function was called with interrupts masked -625 cannotDeferErr additional user functions cannot be deferred -800 rcDBNull the data item was NULL -801 rcDBValue the data was available or successfully retrieved -802 rcDBError there was an error executing the function -803 rcDBBadType the next data item not of requested data type -804 rcDBBreak the function timed out -805 rcDBExec the query is currently executing -806 rcDBBadSessID the session ID is invalid -807 rcDBBadSessNum the session number is invalid -808 rcDBBadDDev the specified database extension could not be found, or error occurred while opening database extension -809 rcDBAsyncNotSupp the database extension does not support asynchronous calls -810 rcDBBadAsyncPB the specified parameter block was invalid -811 rcDBNoHandler there is no handler for this data type installed for the current application -812 rcDBWrongVersion the version number is incorrect -813 rcDBPackNotInited the InitDBPack function has not yet been called -850 hmHelpDisabled Help balloons are not enabled -853 hmBalloonAborted constant cursor movement prevented the help balloon from being displayed -854 hmSameAsLastBalloon the Menu and item are same as previous menu and item -855 hmHelpManagerNotInited the Help menu is not set up -857 hmSkippedBalloon there is no balloon content to fill in -858 hmWrongVersion the version of Help Manager resource is incorrect -859 hmUnknownHelpType the Help message record contained a bad type -861 hmOperationUnsupported the Help Manager method parameter is invalid -862 hmNoBalloonUp no balloon is showing -863 hmCloseViewActive "Close View" is active and preventing the removal of the Help Balloon -900 notInitErr the PPC Toolbox has not been initialized yet -902 nameTypeErr the locationKindSelector in location name was invalid or inappropriate -903 noPortErr the port name was invalid; unable to open port or bad port reference number -904 noGlobalsErr the System was unable to allocate memory––critical error -905 localOnlyErr network activity is currently disabled -906 destPortErr the specified port does not exist on the destination machine -907 sessTableErr the PPC Toolbox was unable to create a session -908 noSessionErr the session reference number was invalid -909 badReqErr of a bad parameter or invalid state -910 portNameExistsErr another port is already open with this name -911 noUserNameErr the destination machine did not recognize the User name -912 userRejectErr the destination rejected the session request -915 noResponseErr the application could not be contacted -916 portClosedErr the port was closed -917 sessClosedErr the session has closed -919 badPortNameErr the PPC port record is invalid -922 noDefaultUserErr the owner name in the "Sharing Setup" control panel has not been specified yet -923 notLoggedInErr the default user reference number does not yet exist -924 noUserRefErr a new user reference number could not be created -925 networkErr an error occurred in the network -926 noInformErr the target application did not have an inform pending -927 authFailErr the password entered was incorrect -928 noUserRecErr the user reference number was invalid -930 badServiceMethodErr the service method is something other than ppcServiceRealTime -931 badLocNameErr the location name is invalid -932 guestNotAllowedEdd the destination port does not allow guest access; authentication is required -1027 nbpDuplicate the NBP name exists already -1096 reqFailed the request to contact router failed (retry count exceeded) -1102 cbNotFound the control block was not found (there were no pending asynchronous calls) -1105 reqAborted this ERead was aborted by the ERdCancel function -1273 errOpenDenied the open request was denied by recipient -1274 errDSPQueueSize the send or receive queue is too small -1275 errFwdReset read was terminated by forward reset -1276 errAttention the attention message was too long -1277 errOpening the attempt to open the connection failed -1278 errState the connection state for this operation is invalid -1279 errAborted the request was aborted by the dspRemove or dspClose function -1280 errRefNum the connection reference number was invalid -1300 fidNotFoundErr the file ID was not found -1302 notAFileErr the specified file is actually a directory -1303 diffVolErr the files are on different volumes -1304 catalogChangedErr the catalog has changed and CatPosition may be invalid -1305 desktopDamagedErr the desktop database has become corrupted -1700 errAECoercionFail the AppleEvent data could not be coerced to the requested descriptor type -1701 errAEDescNotFound the descriptor record was not found -1702 errAECorruptData the data in an AppleEvent could not be read -1703 errAEWrongDataType the wrong descriptor data type was requested -1704 errAENotAEDesc the descriptor record is invalid -1705 errAEBadListItem the list item was invalid -1706 errAENewerVersion a newer version of the AppleEvent manager is required -1707 errAENotAppleEvent the event is not an AppleEvent -1708 errAEEventNotHandled the event wasn't handled by any AppleEvent handler -1709 errAEReplyNotValid AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply -1710 errAEUnknownSendMode an invalid sending mode was requested -1711 errAEWaitCanceled the wait loop for reply or receipt was canceled -1712 errAETimeOut the AppleEvent timed out -1713 errAENoUserInteraction no user interaction is allowed -1714 errAENotASpecialFunction the wrong keyword for a special function was specified -1715 errAEParamMissed the AppleEvent handler did not get all of the required parameters -1716 errAEUnknownAddressType the AppleEvent address type is unknown -1717 errAEHandlerNotFound no handler was found for an AppleEvent or a coercion handler -1718 errAEReplyNotArrived the AppleEvent reply has not yet arrived -1719 errAEIllegalIndex the list index was invalid -2700 threadsNotInitedErr the Threads package has not been initialized -2701 badThreadErr the ThreadHandle was invalid -2702 threadsNotAvailableErr the Threads package is not available -2703 wrongThreadsVersErr the Threads package that is installed is incompatable with the threads Glue being used -3101 buf2SmallErr the packet was too large for buffer; partial data was returned -5012 afpItemNotFound AFP information not found -5030 afpIconTypeError the size of new icon and one it replaces don't match -5550 gestaltUnknownErr the Gestalt response could not be obtained -5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr the Gestalt selector requested was undefined -5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr the Gestalt selector already exists -5553 gestaltLocationErr the Gestalt selector function is not in the system heap -11000 pictInfoVersionErr the PICT version number is not zero -11001 pictInfoIDErr the PictInfo ID is invalid -11002 pictInfoVerbErr an invalid verb combination was specified in the PICT -11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr the custom pick method is not in the resource chain -11004 colorsRequestedErr the number of colors requested is out of range or greater than passed to NewPictInfo -11005 pictureDataErr the picture data is invalid -13000 pmBusyErr the Power Manager IC is stuck busy -13001 pmReplyTOErr of a timeout waiting to begin reply handshake -13002 pmSendStartErr the Power Manager IC did not start handshake -13003 pmSendEndErr the Power Manager did not finish handshake during send -13004 pmRecvStartErr the Power Manager did not start handshake during receive -13005 pmRecvEndErr the Power Manager did not finish handshake during receive -32767 generalErr End of table marker (not a real error)